Dock B

1 Place de la Pointe
93500 Pantin

Dock B is 1200m ² of space bordering the Ourcq Canal and the Place de la Pointe in Pantin on the outskirts of Paris. It is an innovative, hybrid place where culinary, cultural and neighborhood life are intermingled daily.

Dock B is a place of crossroads, creation and artistic pleasures. Playful and sensatory, it opens up on two levels. Overall it is dedicated to the presentation of art works and artists. We follow the winds of the audio and visual arts.

After hosting many events (exhibitions, DJ sets, conferences …) in its first year, Dock B is currently preparing for the opening of its onsite concert hall (end of 2019, early 2020).

* In association with Cultplace.

Dock B

Les assiettes veggies de Keïli

Les Magasins Généraux

Pose iodée avec JUSTE

Dock B c’est aussi de la musique

Ah La Vache


1 Place de la Pointe
93500 Pantin
Parking : 159 Avenue Jean Lolive
93 500 Pantin (144 places)
Métro 5 – Église de Pantin
BUS 61 – Église de Pantin